Crime & Courts

MACC record statement from Ismail Sabri over 'Keluarga Malaysia' promotion campaign expenses

PUTRAJAYA: The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) met former Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob to record his statement today.

Ismail Sabri is believed to have been questioned over the previous administration's expenditure on the 'Keluarga Malaysia' promotion campaign.

It is learnt that the statement was recorded in the city centre at 10am today, relating to contracts awarded to specific individuals for promotion.

The investigation is being conducted under the Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorist Financing, and Proceeds of Illegal Activities Act (AMLATFPUAA) 2001 and the MACC Act 2009.

NST has reached out to top graft buster chief commissioner Tan Sri Azam Baki for further comments.

On Jan 8, media reported that MACC will call in one former prime minister as early as this week in their investigation on the RM700 million spent by the previous federal administration on the "Keluarga Malaysia" promotion and publicity work.

Azam said the former prime minister, his predecessor and the people from his office would be the last people to be called in for the investigation.

On Jan 2, NST reported that MACC had teams scouring the Finance Ministry and Prime Minister's Department for documents linked to the previous administration's spending on the campaign.

MACC was reported to be probing allegations of excessive amounts of funds being spent on the promotion of campaigns in previous administrations, following public outcry and reports lodged.

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