Crime & Courts

Seremban couple charged with causing hurt to 5-year-old son

SEREMBAN: A husband and wife were charged at the Sessions Court here today with causing injury to their 5-year-old son.

Mohammad Zul Shafiq Shammadi, 29, and Nurwadahtulfatanah Mohamad, 25, claimed trial before Judge Meor Sulaiman Ahmad Tarmizi after the charges were read out.

According to the charges, the duo, as persons having custody of a 5-year-old boy, were alleged to have abused or acted negligently in a manner likely to cause him physical injury by hitting him with a rotan and clothes hanger.

The alleged incident took place at a house on Jalan Pancaindera 6, Mantin, between March and April last year.

They were charged under Section 31(1)(A) of the Child Act 2001. If convicted, both defendants could be fined not exceeding RM50,000 or imprisoned for a term not exceeding 20 years or both.

Deputy public prosecutor Syamimi Farhana Muhammad A. Aziz offered bail at RM20,000 for each defendant.

Both accused, who were not represented, pleaded for a lower amount and the court then set bail at RM5,000 for each. Meor then set May 17 for hearing while waiting for the medical report.

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