Government / Public Policy

PM launches Laksana Digital Dashboard

KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has launched the Laksana Digital Dashboard to help the government monitor the implementation of Prihatin and Penjana.

The launch was held during his official work visit to Laksana Unit at the Finance Ministry today.

Also present were Finance Minister Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Abdul Aziz, Deputy Finance Minister II Mohd Shahar Abdullah, chief secretary to the government Datuk Seri Zuki Ali, Treasury secretary general Datuk Asri Hamidon and Laksana director Datuk Shahrul Nazri Abdul Rahim.

The digital dashboard has managed to compile data from 53 different ministries and government agencies which are involved with the implementation of the measures under Extra Economic Stimulus Package 2020 (PRE 2020), Prihatin and Penjana economic packages.

This centralised and live data collection is the result of the cooperation between ministries and agencies, in line with the government's effort to encourage the adoption of e-services in preparation of the Industry Revolution 4.0, as well as shifting towards the new normal.

Besides that, Muhyiddin had a live video conference call with individuals who have benefited from the economic packages, including Michael Lo Vun Leong who owns and operates a logistics company in Tamparuli, Sabah.

Lo is one of the recipients of the Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN) Micro/I Kredit Prihatin.

Under the allocated RM700 million BSN Micro/I Kredit Prihatin, financing are offered at zero per cent interest rate without collateral to all micro-entrepreneurs in various segments provided that they have been in business for at least six months, instead of one year previously.

The maximum financing amount was also increased from RM50,000 to RM75,000 for each entrepreneur with a loan/financing period of between one and 5.5 years.

Besides Lo, other Prihatin recipients who had a live chat with the prime minister included YouTube cooking couple S. Pavithra, 28, dan M. Sugu, 29, and Rosnizam Ishak from Penang, who was forced to close down his restaurant in the beginning of MCO as it is no longer making money.

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