
Sabah Star supports new Malaysia Agreement plan

KENINGAU: A new Malaysia Agreement between Sabah, Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia will clearly define the status of each entity, says Datuk Seri Dr Jeffrey Kitingan.

The Parti Solidariti Tanah Airku (Sabah Star) president said the 1963 Malaysia Agreement (MA63) was signed on a different premise and at the time, Sabah and Sarawak did not have a voice to agree or disagree with any of the terms outlined in the agreement.

"A new agreement is the only approach to address the question of Malaysia.

"I am glad that Barisan Nasional (BN) deputy chairman Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan mentioned a new agreement, however I do not necessarily agree with his reasoning.

"For Star, we want the new deal to allow us greater independence and freedom for us to move forward.

"Sabahans do not wish to be bound down to Malaya's agenda.

"When it comes to financial and development issues, Sabah and Sarawak must have the freedom to dictate own future according to their own aspiration, not the federal government," he said after launching a discussion on current issues with local leaders here today.

On Sabah Umno chief Datuk Seri Bung Moktar Radin's statement that Sabah BN will decide on its relationship with Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS), Kitingan said Sabah BN, like any political party, has the right to decide its own political direction without coercion or outside influence.

"For Star, we are patient, and we are waiting to see what Sabah BN decides. We are not in a hurry, and we don't want to jump the gun.

"It could have just been a political statement, I don't know. I also could say that Star has 10 options. But I do hope it is just a political statement," said Kitingan, who is also Sabah Deputy Chief Minister cum Agriculture and Fisheries Minister.

On the programme, Kitingan said it was aimed to inform local leaders on current issues, particularly the special committee on undocumented foreign workers and foreign nationals in Sabah.

He believed the government must explain the reason to develop a database for these people in order to address the long-standing issue.

"We are not going to give these people documentation, let alone citizenship.

"All illegal immigrants must be deported and the government's stance has never changed. The database is needed to keep track of them.

"Those who spread misinformation saying we are giving IC to illegal immigrants are liars as they want to slander the Sabah government in order to cover up their own failure.

"And now, they seek to exacerbate the problem with dubious slogans like 'Sabah kita punya' (Sabah is ours); who are these 'kita'? The illegal immigrants?" he said.

He said the knowledge shared by the local leaders and public will make them less susceptible to manipulation by the opposition's propaganda machineries.

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