
'Look again into senior citizens law'

KUALA LUMPUR: The idea of a Senior Citizens Act, which was mulled 10 years ago, must be revived to protect these people, said Alliance for Safe Community chairman Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye.

He said it was necessary for the government to introduce the act following reports of thousands of senior citizens abandoned in hospitals by their families.

"The legislation was considered a decade ago, but it was shelved.

"In view of the situation revealed in Parliament, where more than 2,000 senior citizens have been abandoned in hospitals, the best way is to protect them through legislation.

"Many countries have such legislation.

"The time is ripe to revisit this. Senior citizens must be better protected and this abandonment issue must be tackled," he told the New Sunday Times.

Lee said the Women, Family and Community Development Ministry should engage non-government organisations and stakeholders to explore the best way to formulate the legislation.

He expressed sadness about the lack of filial piety.

"Some children (of these senior citizens) do not know how to deal with family issues.

"They should seek counselling from the Welfare Department instead of leaving their parents in hospitals.

"It is sad to read that their children give false contact numbers to avoid caring for their parents, who raised them and provided them with education, only to be neglected at an advanced age.

"This is unacceptable."

Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Seri Rina Harun, on Friday, said 2,144 senior citizens were abandoned in hospitals from 2018 to 2022.

Of the number, 914 had returned to their families, she said.

In 2021, 752 senior citizens were abandoned.

Those who are single and whose next of kin could not be traced were placed in welfare homes.

Among the reasons given were family problems and lack of guardians, while some children even denied knowledge of the senior citizens referred to them.

Rina said the government had drafted the Senior Citizens Bill to protect the rights of senior citizens.

The draft is being examined by stakeholders.

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