
Bad weather: 'Halt recreational activities at Chenang, Tengah beaches'

LANGKAWI: The authorities are advising people to halt recreational activities at Pantai Chenang and Pantai Tengah here for the next four days due to unpredictable weather.

District Civil Defence Force officer Ahmad Shahfikri Darus said red flags have been put up at the two popular beaches to warn people about the heightened risks.

"The flags will remain there until it is deemed safe to hold recreational activities.

"At 9am this morning, both areas recorded a high tide of 3.1m and wind speeds of 42 kilometres per hour, which could potentially cause large waves," he said in a statement.

Shahfikri advised people and water sports operators at Pantai Chenang and Pantai Tengah to be cautious and aware of their environment in light of the unpredictable weather.

"We advise the public to temporarily halt recreational activities and immediately inform the authorities if they have an emergency," he added.

He also said heavy rain this morning caused the water level of Sungai Melaka at Padang Matsirat to rise to 3.1m.

"Sungai Melaka at Bukit Kemboja and Sungai Kuah are still at normal levels, with readings of 5.39m and 1.18m, respectively, although they show an increasing trend due to continuous rainfall," he added.

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