
Hotels group lauds minister's KLIA 'check'

KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Budget and Business Hotel Association (MyBHA) has lauded Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing's hands-on approach to understand the issues faced by foreign tourists.

MyBHA national president Dr Sri Ganesh Michiel said the minister's approach will create a positive impression and raise the confidence of tourists to visit the country.

"It is not a problem for him (the minister) to visit or conduct surprise inspections at any government office or agency to resolve arising matters under his portfolio.

"We urge relevant parties to investigate and take appropriate action against any individual who may have been involved in political attacks to smear the image of the tourism, arts and culture minister.

"We fully support the actions of the tourism, arts and culture minister and call on the Immigration Department to resolve the matters that have been exposed."

Yesterday, a portal reported that a commotion occurred at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport when a minister allegedly barged into the international arrival hall to "rescue" a Chinese national who was detained by Immigration officers upon entering Malaysia.

Tiong later confirmed that he was the minister involved, but denied he was there to demand that authorities release a female Chinese traveller who was detained.

He claimed that there was a "culture of corruption" within the Immigration Department's handling of foreign visitors at KLIA.

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