
Sanusi claims his TikTok account was suspended to disrupt his campaign

LANGKAWI: Caretaker Kedah Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor said his TikTok account was suspended yesterday, claiming it was an attempt to disrupt his state election campaign.

The Perikatan Nasional election director called on those involved to reinstate his account, which would enable him to address allegations made against him.

"I was just gaining popularity on TikTok, and now my account has been suspended.

"My account was suspended tonight (Friday night). 5.2 million likes, gone, just like my millions of followers. (TikTok Malaysia) must reinstate my account," he said at a talk in Baling last night.

In the same video, Sanusi said a few of his friends' accounts were also suspended.

"I want them to reinstate the accounts of my friends that were banned a few days ago, such as Sir Azri's account, which was suspended today (Friday).

"There is nowhere else we can speak. We can't be on TV or radio, so we use TikTok and Facebook, but the youngsters don't use Facebook. They say it's for old people."

He said the unity government was exerting control to silence opposition parties before the Aug 12 state elections.

"They will maintain a tight grip, ensuring that only information from their camp reaches the people, while ours does not.

"It'll be tough to address negative news due to the limited media outlets available to us."

TikTok had in November 2022 said that politicians or parties hoping to use TikTok to spread misleading content, disinformation or political advertising could be flagged or even banned from the platform.

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