
Dr M's claim that son threatened with jail is a concern, says Pasir Gudang MP

KUALA LUMPUR: Special Committee on Corruption (SCC) member Hassan Abdul Karim has expressed concern about former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's claim that his son has been threatened with a prison sentence by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

In an open letter to MACC chief commissioner Tan Sri Azam Baki, Hassan commended the graftbuster's effort to combat corruption against all quarters.

However, he hoped the graftbusters will perform its duties professionally, in accordance with the law, without issuing threats.

"Threats should not be used during investigations. I take Mahathir's complaint seriously that his son, who is under investigation by MACC, has been threatened with a five-year prison sentence. This should not happen.

"The MACC is not a prosecuting body or a court. The tasks of prosecution and sentencing fall under the jurisdiction of the public prosecutor and the judges.

"MACC's role is similar to the police as an investigative agency subject to the Criminal Procedure Code," he said.

This comes after Dr Mahathir, in a post on X, alleged that his son has been accused and threatened that if he does anything that the prosecutor considers to be contrary to the accusation, he will be jailed for five years.

The former prime minister however did not mention who he was referring to but the posting came a day after MACC said it served his son, Mirzan, a notice to declare his assets as part of its investigation into information from the Panama Papers report.

The graftbusters also said it issued the notice in light of its probe into Mirzan's business activities involving the sale and purchase of government-linked companies.

On Thursday, the MACC said it summoned Mirzan to its headquarters in Putrajaya on Jan 17 to serve a notice of asset declaration under Section 36(1)(b) of the MACC Act 2009.

This requires Mirzan to declare all the movable and immovable assets in his possession within 30 days.

It said it is examining financial documents and assets owned by the Malaysians listed in the Pandora Papers and Panama Papers reports.

Hassan, who is also the Pasir Gudang member of Parliament, also said the MACC must be transparent, professional, and maintain its integrity in its duties based on the principles of fearlessness and impartiality.

"I commend MACC for investigating revelations in the Pandora Papers and Panama Papers.

"Still, I hope they will be fair and transparent as investigations should not be limited to those perceived as opposition or adversaries to the current ruling unity government.

"Supporters and members of the unity government should also be subject to scrutiny," he said.

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