
Ministry completes probe into MCKK bullying case, waiting for authorities to take action

NIBONG TEBAL: The Education Ministry is waiting for the relevant authorities to take action in the Malay College Kuala Kangsar (MCKK) bullying case that was reported to the police last November.

Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek said the ministry had completed its own probe into the matter and presented its findings to the authorities.

"We have handed over the matter to the relevant authorities. So, we will wait for their action," she said when asked about the progress of the case.

She was met after attending an engagement session with the School Board of Governors and presentation of the Bantuan Awal Persekolahan (BAP) aid to poor students here.

On Nov 6 last year, police confirmed receiving a report on an alleged bullying incident that involved Form Four and Five students at MCKK in Perak.

Kuala Kangsar district police chief Assistant Commissioner Omar Bakhtiar Yaacob had said that police came across viral messages relating to the incident on Nov 4 after it was posted on Instagram.

The bullying allegedly occurred on Sept 24 last year, but the frustrated mother of the victim had expressed unhappiness over the delayed outcome of the probe by the authorities.

In the incident, the victim, who is a Form Four student, was allegedly beaten up by a group of Form Five students.

The victim was then taken to the Kuala Kangsar Hospital by the school authorities. However, medical checks found that the victim did not suffer any serious injuries.

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