
Car dealer gifts a car to parents of 11-month old boy with chronic lung disease

ALOR STAR: The family of the 11-month old baby, who recently caught the attention of the prime minister, received a car as a gift from a used car dealer.

The story of Mohd Aariz Zafran grabbed headlines when a viral photo showed the toddler, who uses a respitory aid, being carried by his parents on motorcycle as they were bringing him to the Sultanah Bahiyah Hospital here on Sunday.

Today, Harian Metro reported that Aaariz's father Mohd Azlan Ishak, 35, was gifted a car after they went to buy one after receiving public donations.

Azlan said that he and his wife, Norhidayu Halim, 35, stopped by the used car dealership in Jalan Langgar here yesterday to buy a car using the money they received from the public.

"I was interested in a green Proton Persona car at the dealership and only had RM3,000 cash to buy it.

"When I asked the dealership owner, I was surprised when he gifted the car to Mohd Aariz," he said here today.

Azlan said all the documentation processes for the Proton Persona car were handled by the used car dealership.

"Alhamdulillah, my child's blessings keep pouring in to the extent that someone was willing to give us a used car.

"I am also grateful to all Malaysians who have helped donate, which has now exceeded RM100,000.

"If it wasn't for the recent viral picture of our family on social media, it might have been difficult for us to manage our lives, especially since I just recovered from measles and couldn't work," he said.

Azlan, who works as a fisherman's assistant in Kuala Kedah, said his house in Taman Kota Nelayan was also constantly visited by members of the public, including social media influencers, non-government organisation representatives and people who wanted to help.

He said some people came to donate baby formula and disposable diapers for their child, in addition to providing cash donations for them.

"I am very grateful to all parties who have helped donate for the sake of my son, Mohd Aariz, who suffers from chronic lung disease," he said.

The struggles faced by Azlan and Norhidayu received attention from Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, and through his political secretary, Ahmad Farhan Fauzi, who had urged the public to provide information about the family.

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