
Sister act in Kapayan and Moyog

KOTA KINABALU: It’s all in the family for the Lasimbang clan in Penampang, despite coming from different political parties.

Two sisters of former Barisan Nasional Penampang MP and Moyog assemblyman, Datuk Phillip Lasimbang, are now vying for a place in the State Legislative Assembly bearing opposition flags.

In the coming 14th General Election on May 9, Jennifer Lasimbang, 43, will be going for the Moyog seat while elder sister Jannie Lasimbang, 55, has set her eyes on Kapayan.

Jennifer will be contesting as a Parti Keadilan Rakyat candidate while Jannie is standing as a DAP candidate.

Both also share the same experience of working with non-governmental organisations before leaping into politics.

Phillip, was dropped by BN in 2008, after winning Penampang in 1999 and Moyog in 2004. In the 2013 election he stood as a candidate in Moyog but lost to newcomer Terrence Siambun of PKR.

Jannie said she’s not disappointed that Phillip wasn’t named for GE14.

“Philip has already told us that he has retired from politics and I’m happy that he is able to give us a lot of insight into politics as well as advise. So, I think it’s a relief in a way. We are working towards a change in government,” she said.

Jannie is also upbeat about her chances and that of her sister’s given that PKR and DAP are working with Parti Warisan Sabah.

“Warisan dan DAP have an electoral pact and I’m very happy that we can work together in a harmonious way.

“It’s like working together in the whole of Moyog and Kapayan. It’s all good and I do feel very happy that she is standing (for Moyog),” she said when met during her campaign trail in Lido near here.

Jennifer is contesting for PKR under the Warisan banner

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