
Analyst: Umno must uphold democratic professionalism to remain relevant

KUALA LUMPUR: Umno, as the oldest political organisation in the country, must uphold all elements of democracy by holding party polls to remain politically relevant, especially after its disappointing performance in the 15th General Election (GE15).

Universiti Utara Malaysia political economy and international studies policy analyst Dr Md Shukri Shuib said it is necessary for Umno to conduct "pemilihan tanpa pengecualian" (elections without exceptions) to prove the party's commitment to respecting and protecting democratic principles.

He said holding party polls will help restore people's confidence in Umno and prove that the party upholds democratic practices as espoused by its the presidential institution and supreme council.

"Umno must practise democratic professionalism and show that it is 'election-friendly' to gain a fresh mandate from the people and strengthen the position of the party.

"This will help Umno remain resilient to future challenges and remain relevant as a champion of the people's aspirations.

"Democratic professionalism must be the foundation for Umno to strengthen its position as a kingmaker in the formation of the unity government."

Shukri said this on the heels of a proposal by certain quarters in Umno for the top positions in the party to remain uncontested in the next party election.

"Umno, which is part of the government, is now seen as valuable and that should make the party more democratic to strengthen its leaders' positions to remain relevant at the grassroots level," Shukri said.

Yesterday, the New Straits Times reported that the possibility of Umno's top two positions going uncontested in the next party polls has caused friction among the ranks.

Yesterday, Umno secretary-general Datuk Seri Ahmad Maslan said no decision had been made on whether the president's and deputy president's posts would be contested in the party polls.

He said the supreme council would decide on the matter during a meeting on Jan 12.

The Umno annual general assembly was initially scheduled for Dec 21 to 24 this year and was postponed to Jan 11 to 14.

The date for the Umno polls has yet to be announced.

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