CYBERJAYA: Umno president Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said Pas was not sincere about reviving the Muafakat Nasional (MN) pact.
"We do not believe their offer is sincere because it was not Umno that left MN, it was them (Pas).
"They stabbed us in the back and caused us trouble, going beyond what we agreed on. I do not think they are making a sincere offer," Zahid said after officiating the Rubber Industry Smallholders Development Authority's (Risda) Penggerak Wanita programme here today.
He was asked to comment on Pas spiritual leader Datuk Hashim Jasin's remarks that Pas would not close the door to a cooperation with Umno to revive MN.
Zahid, who is deputy prime minister, said Hashim could not make that decision.
He said the Pas central committee must decide on the matter, which would then be deliberated by the Pas Syura Council.
Previously, Hashim reportedly said Pas cooperated with Gerakan because the party had never interfered with Pas' struggles and policies.
He claimed only a few Umno leaders rejected the MN pact, while many wanted the cooperation to continue.