
Set clear criteria for Grab Car driver ratings

RECENTLY, I had a long conversation with a Grab car driver, who shared his concerns about earnings, incentives and bonuses — concerns faced by most drivers, especially full-time ones.

How do we rate them so that they get what they earn?

Ratings, I was informed by the driver, were an important element that reflects the drivers’ weekly incentive or bonus. He said drivers must have at least a 4.7 rating, otherwise, they would not be entitled for incentives.

As a regular Grab car customer, I feel the ride-hailing service operators should have highlighted rational yet constructive elements that could motivate drivers to serve their customers well.

In short, the criteria for high ratings of drivers must be specified. The ratings by customers are sometimes subjective.

Most drivers tell me that they do not understand how the ratings work as their services are not consistently rated five.

Drivers’ ratings should be based on these elements:     

PRE-SERVICE: how do drivers interact with the customer.

The way a driver communicates with his customer reflects the customer’s mood. If a customer is happy, there is a tendency for him or her to give positive feedback.

Customers should be clearly informed of their pick-up points and pick-up durations. Traffic congestion that may lead to late pick-ups, hence, early notice could help customers decide whether or not to continue with their booking or make a new one.
    SERVICE ENCOUNTER STAGE: how are customers treated.

For most customers, a friendly driver is a bonus. But, not all drivers are friendly and chatty. Therefore, we should not evaluate solely on that basis.

I believe greetings like “Hi,
sir, are we going to Suria KLCC?”
are enough.

Based on my experience, about 80 per cent of Grab car drivers are friendly. The rest don’t speak en route to the destinations.

Customers must be understanding. If the traffic is heavy, do not blame the drivers. Be patient and try to interact with them to reduce tension during the ride.

Drivers, be professional. Treat your customers with respect.
    POST-SERVICE: how was the ride and driver.

Besides ensuring safe arrival at destinations, drivers should confirm the fares with customers.

For Grab cars, fares are fixed, regardless of traffic conditions. Customers pay toll charges.

Some customers refuse to pay toll charges, thinking they are included in the fare. Some accuse Grab car drivers of cheating.

I hope Grab car operators provide a element-based rating system to evaluate and assess the performance of their drivers as such evaluation is fair and systematic.

The Grab car service is a competitive trade that serves thousands of passengers daily. Drivers give their best, so passengers must be rational and honest in rating them.

Most full-time drivers provide for their family with their earnings. Your ratings determine their survival in the business.


Kuala Lumpur

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