
Balance use of ChatGPT to foster creativity in students

LETTERS: GENERATIVE artificial intelligence tool ChatGPT is used worldwide as a problem-solving tool, especially by students.

It helps in understanding concepts, but overdependence on instant answers or solutions may stifle the natural creativity of a student.

The data that ChatGPT uses is not necessarily comprehensive and accurate. It may not be able to describe specific issues accurately.

When students rely heavily on the information, they tend to get stuck. They might prioritise quick solutions and not explore different perspectives and viewpoints.

The convenience of accessing readily available information discourages deep and critical thinking, as well as experimentation.

Constant exposure to a single AI-based perspective may also reduce the ability to think outside of the box. People will avoid making critical decisions

To counter this, educators can encourage a balanced approach. Use ChatGPT as a tool to complement learning rather than as a definitive source of information.

They may also promote activities that stimulate creativity, such as case studies, open-ended discussions and problem-solving-based learning.

The intention is to nurture students' independent and inventive thinking.

Balancing AI use in classrooms with traditional teaching methods can help students harness the advantages of technology while fostering creative-thinking abilities.


Faculty of Business & Communication

Universiti Malaysia Perlis

The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect those of the New Straits Times

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