
Visa application turns stick-y for national hockey players

KUALA LUMPUR: Applying for a visa to go Down Under is proving to be stick-y for the national men's hockey team.

And this has left a big question mark over their five-match series against World No 1 Australia on April 21-28.

Coach Arul Selvaraj and his men were supposed to have left for Perth for the series earlier this week.

However, their online visa application was rejected. And the Malaysian Hockey Confederation (MHC)'s move to make a second application is costing them a bomb.

As each visa application costs about RM1,000 per person, the total amount for the 33-strong entourage to Perth will set back the MHC RM33,000.

"We applied for visas weeks ago with supporting letters from Hockey Australia as well as their Olympic Council but our request was rejected.

"We were then told to fill up a different form and are still waiting for a reply as it's now Easter holidays in Australia.

"If our visas arrive later, we might have to move the playing dates to May but tickets have already been sold for the five matches, and it will cost problems to both sides," said Arul.

MHC have booked flight tickets, made arrangements for accommodation and food but that piece of paper that allows them into Australia is not there.

"I have told my players and officials to be on standby to fly off on Monday but am a little sceptical as Easter is a four-day holiday in Australia," said Arul.

Beginning with Good Friday, the holidays Down Under extend right up to Easter Monday. So, the visa application is too close to call, if it arrives at all.

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