
Tuan Ibrahim pours cold waters on calls for Pas to lead opposition pact

KUALA LUMPUR: A Pas top leader has shot down the suggestion by an Umno veteran for the Perikatan Nasional (PN) pact to be lead by the Islamist party.

Datuk Seri Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man said there was no issue on which party leading PN as it is not a matter of concern within the opposition coalition.

"It doesn't matter who (parties) leads PN, the most crucial thing is how PN operates within the framework of a political coalition that is accepted by the people," the Pas deputy president said when contacted by the New Straits Times, today.

Tuan Ibrahim, who is Kubang Kerian member of parliament, was responding to the statement made by Umno veteran Tan Sri Shahrir Ab Samad that PN should be led by Pas following internal conflicts enveloping Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu)

Shahrir had also claimed that the current turmoil within Bersatu was due to the dissatisfaction of its members with their party president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin's reversal of his decision to not defend his party post.

"PN is in disarray and the coalition should be helmed by Pas, not Bersatu, which is preoccupied with internal conflicts, even involving the president's wife," said Shahrir in a Facebook post.

Shahrir's statement came on the heels of the revelation made by Bukit Gantang MP Datuk Syed Abu Hussin Syed Hafiz that more PN MPs will come forward to announce to support the unity government under the leadership of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as they were deeply disappointed with the coalition.

Syed Abu Hussin also said that some PN lawmakers believed that the coalition's leadership were unwilling to engage with Anwar's government for assistance.

Following this, Tuan Ibrahim challenged Syed Abu Hussin to vacate his Bukit Gantang parliamentary constituency seat.

"It is clear that he does not appreciate the efforts and support given by PN supporters who ensured the coalition's victory in the previous general election to the extent of making decisions that are contrary to Bersatu's stance.

"Hence, as a responsible elected representative, I challenge him to resign as an MP as he is not loyal to the party."

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