
#Showbiz: Awie once diagnosed with kidney cancer

KUALA LUMPUR: Legendary rock singer Datuk Ahmad Azhar Othman a.k.a. Awie says he was diagnosed with kidney cancer four years ago.

The 55-year-old revealed this to radio announcers Muaz and Haiza when he was invited as a guest during Kool 101's Pagi On Point radio show.

The singer said he was fortunate it was diagnosed during the early stage and doctors treating him managed to remove the tumour before it became worse.

"When the doctor wanted to break the news, he looked nervous.

"After he told me, I felt like blood had drained from my face and the end was near," he shared during the 30-minute interview.

Initially doctors advised him to remove the affected kidney but he refused and said he wanted a second opinion.

"Only after getting a second opinion, and the tumour was 95 per cent cancerous, did I finally agree to the procedure," shared Awie, who said he recovered well thanks to various treatments including alternative methods.

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