
Zahid outlines 6 resolutions to achieve new economic policy

PUTRAJAYA: Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has outlined six resolutions as pillars to guide Bumiputera towards achieving the success of Bumiputera Economic Transformation.

The rural and regional development minister said the resolutions included defending the Bumiputera agenda, eliminating implementation gaps, establishing equality among regions, races, and groups, identifying new opportunities, creating genuine partnerships, and ensuring other races are not marginalised.

Zahid said the resolutions were aimed towards achieving the three main goals of the Bumiputera Economic Transformation (TEB), a new progressive policy aimed at narrowing the socioeconomic gap among Malaysians.

"The first resolution is to uphold the existing Bumiputera agenda. Policies and initiatives introduced include issues of land ownership, business equity, education, entrepreneurial opportunities, employment, and supplies, although they have yet to achieve the necessary targets and need to be further strengthened.

"Concurrently, efforts to address inefficiencies in the implementation of Bumiputera agenda policies and initiatives become the second resolution that needs to be pursued.

"Thirdly, in our pursuit of achieving the goals of Bumiputera Economic Transformation, we must be determined to establish equality among regions, ethnicities, and groups," he said during his keynote address at the opening of the Bumiputera Economic Congress (KEB) today.

Zahid emphasised the need for the fourth resolution to centre on identifying opportunities and future economic developments.

Moving forward, he called on the importance of establishing genuine economic partnerships between Bumiputeras and non-Bumiputeras as the fifth resolution.

Lastly, he underlined the significance of the sixth resolution in ensuring justice for all ethnicities and avoiding marginalisation or denial of rights in our multi-ethnic society.

To ensure Bumiputera did not lag behind in seizing new economic and technological opportunities, Zahid proposed TEB as a new policy for the Bumiputera economic agenda.

He outlined three main goals for TEB namely socio economic justice; sustainability of national unity and national prosperity and people's welfare.

KEB 2024, themed "Positive, Progressive, Innovative", is jointly hosted by the Economy Ministry and the Rural and Regional Development Ministry at the Putrajaya International Convention Centre (PICC) over a three-day period.

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