
PM reaffirms Malaysia's diplomatic principles amidst scrutiny

PUTRAJAYA: Malaysia maintains its steadfast commitment to uphold diplomacy and refrain from endorsing hostility towards any nation.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim reiterated this stance amidst ongoing inquiries into Malaysia's foreign policies, emphasising his unwavering focus on restructuring the nation's economy and elevating its global standing.

"While certain issues, particularly concerning Palestine and China, have garnered significant attention, especially from Western nations questioning our alignment with China, my response remains unequivocal: as a developing nation, our foremost priority is the welfare of our citizens."

Hence, when confronted with notions of China-phobia or Sinophobia, I firmly assert that there is no justification for fostering animosity or antagonism towards any entity," he said during the Prime Minister's Department's monthly assembly today.

Anwar stated that his criticism of the ongoing Israel-Palestine crisis stemmed from the erosion of humanity, which the world tended to overlook.

"With America, we have differences of opinion due to their stance on Israel's war against Palestine. We express our stance clearly.

"In a press conference with the German chancellor, as a small leader, I may not make strong statements, but I assert our position while also focusing on our country's economy.

"However, when it comes to innocent children, babies, and women being destroyed, I will not remain silent. If faced with President Biden, I would say, 'I do not recognise Israel, and stop the mass killings immediately.'

"Anwar recently drew the international spotlight when he criticised Western countries during a joint press conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Berlin on March 11 for their lack of action against Israel's atrocities in Gaza.

The prime minister, who was on a six-day official visit to Germany, criticised Western countries for their lack of action against Israel's atrocities in Gaza, questioning the humanity of the West and condemning their "selective" and "ambivalent" attitude towards the conflict.

Acclaimed British-American journalist Mehdi Hasan said Anwar now stands for most of the world's people in defending the rights of Palestine.

"We have reached a point where the prime minister of Malaysia @anwaribrahim now speaks for most of the world's people and not a European or Western leader," he wrote in a  post on X.

Anwar reiterated his stance on the Israel-Palestine war, emphasising that the struggle of Palestinians for freedom should not be labelled as terrorism.

"Confronted by German reporters questioning my association with Hamas amid the Palestine-Israel conflict, I responded by highlighting the longstanding oppression faced by Palestinians.

"The atrocities committed in wars against colonialism have historically seen freedom fighters, who resist and seek independence from colonial powers, not being labelled as terrorists. It's important to recognise the broader ethical implications of this principle."

He added that Malaysia will also maintain its longstanding positive relationship with Hamas.

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