
Be open to views from sports administrators, says Sadek

KUALA LUMPUR: Sports observer Sadek Mustaffa believes the sporting authorities should learn to "appreciate" honest views from sports administrators and not look to suppress them.

The Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Sports and Recreation Faculty senior lecturer said many administrators have spent their whole careers dedicated to sports and have in-depth knowledge which should be capitalised on.

"These people (administrators) are there day in, day out so they have hands-on knowledge and experience about sports," said Sadek yesterday.

"We should learn to appreciate their views because they are only telling the truth and acting in the best interests of their sports.

"Government servants such as sports commissioner Suhardi Alias have been involved in sports for a very long time.

"He was even involved in the hosting of the 1998 Kuala Lumpur Commonwealth Games so he knows what he is talking about.

"Unfortunately, former National Sports Council (NSC) director-general Datuk Wira Mazlan Ahmad is currently hospitalised, otherwise I am sure he would have a lot to say about the 2026 Commonwealth Games."

Mazlan, 75, a man who does not mince his words, was reported to have suffered a lung infection last month.

Suhardi last week publicly opposed bringing the 2026 Commonwealth Games to Malaysia due to the significant costs it would incur.

At the time, Suhardi said he felt compelled to speak up as he does not want Malaysia to suffer the consequences of hosting a costly games.

He is the only high-ranking government official in sports to have spoken up about the issue publicly so far.

Suhardi was, however, hauled up by the Sports Ministry and asked to explain himself. He was also chided by the Olympic Council of Malaysia. He has not made any statements to the media since then.

The cabinet is expected to discuss whether Malaysia should host the 2026 games on Friday, though it is unknown whether a decision can be made on the same day.

The Australian city of Victoria, which was scheduled to host the 2026 Commonwealth Games, withdrew last year, citing escalating costs expected to reach up to A$7 billion (RM21.7 billion), and has reportedly agreed to pay A$380 (RM1.1 billion) to the Commonwealth Games Federation for breach of contract.

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