
Malaysia applauds UN Security Council's resolution on Gaza conflict

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia has hailed the adoption of United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolution 2728 (2024) on Gaza, issued on Monday.

The resolution demands an immediate ceasefire, unconditional release of all hostages, and the removal of barriers to the provision of humanitarian aid.

The Foreign Ministry, in a statement said the adoption of this resolution marks a significant breakthrough in the ongoing conflict in Gaza, which has persisted for over five months.

It said Malaysia has persistently urged the UNSC to fulfill its mandated responsibility to protect Palestinians from what it deems as Israel's atrocities.

These atrocities, according to the ministry, have resulted in the deaths of over 32,000 civilians.

"Malaysia strongly condemned the deliberate blockades imposed by Israel, which have led to catastrophic levels of food insecurity among Gaza's 2.3 million residents." it said, highlighting the looming risk of famine and malnutrition in the region due to these measures.

"Malaysia calls upon the UNSC to ensure Israel fulfils its obligations under international law and to immediately end its atrocities against Palestinians."

Reiterating Malaysia's unwavering commitment to the Palestinian cause, the ministry said the nation pledges to continue its efforts, within its capabilities, towards the establishment of an independent and sovereign state of Palestine.

It said Malaysia advocates for the realisation of this state based on the pre-1967 borders, with East Jerusalem designated as its capital.

Additionally, the ministry said Malaysia also supports Palestine's admission as a full member of the United Nations.

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