Crime & Courts

Man jailed 9 months for assaulting mother, threatening sister with parang [NSTTV]

MUAR: A coconut picker was sentenced to nine months' jail after pleading guilty to assaulting his mother and threatening his sister with a parang for not giving him money.

Navindran Subramanian, 36, admitted to the charges against him immediately after they were read before magistrate Fatin Dalilah Khalid.

In the first charge, the accused was alleged to have voluntarily caused hurt to his 66-year-old mother by using his hands, leading to the senior citizen to sustain injuries to her head, chest and arms at a house in Sungai Abong, here, about 2pm on March 17.

The charge was framed under Section 323 of the Penal Code which carries a sentence of up to a year in prison or a fine of RM2,000, or both, upon conviction.

In the second charge, Navindran was accused of using criminal force otherwise than on grave provocation when he threatened his elder siste with a parang at the same time and place.

The charge was framed under Section 352 of the same code, which carries a sentence of not more than three months' jail or a fine of RM1,000, or both.

According to the facts of the case, the accused had returned home in a drunken state and asked for money from his mother.

When she refused, the accused assaulted her.

His sister tried to intervene but the accused then went to his bedroom where he retrieved a parang and threatened his sibling with it.

A police report was later lodged and police arrested Navindran at 4.45pm on the same day.

Fatin Dalilah meted out a sentence of six months' jail for the first offence and three months for the second, ordering that the sentences be served concurrently.

Deputy public prosecutor Danial Munir appeared for the prosecution while the accused was represented by Nor Hafizah Abdullah from the National Legal Aid Foundation.

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