
Asean united in fighting IS

SUBANG JAYA: During Malaysia's tenure in chairing the Asean Defence Ministers' Meeting Plus (ADMM Plus) here this year, it has gained cooperation and unanimous agreement of all 10 Asean members to jointly declare their stand against the Islamic State (IS) threat.

Defence Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said he also saw commitments by the expert working groups on cooperation of the six priority areas, among others was supporting regional stability and the fight against terrorism.

"ADMM have shown a united front to the world and work very hard to endure that capable to address our ever changing security threats

"Security threats today are no longer one nation affairs, we can never be completely insulated from problems beyond our borders," he said.

Hishammuddin thanked the members for their efforts and commitment to strengthen Asean and their support to Malaysian as ADMM Chair this year.

Hishammuddin was speaking to the ADMM and ADMM Plus leaders after the handing over ceremony of Asean Defence Ministers Meeting (ADMM) Chairmanship to Lao National Defense Minister Liutenant General Sengnouane Sayalat today.

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