
(Update) Najib: Dr M not face of Malaysia's future

KEPALA BATAS: Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is not the face of Malaysia’s future, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said today.

Stressing that Malaysia was aiming to move ahead to be at par with the developed nations, he asked how a 93-year-old would be able to bring the country forward.

He said even Pas president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang had said that it was time for the opposition’s candidate for the Langkawi parliamentary seat in the 14th General Election to take a rest.

“He (Dr Mahathir) is already way pass Maghrib and is moving towards Ishak,” said Najib to more than 5,000 Kepala Batas folk at a leader and people gathering here this morning.

“He cannot take Malaysia forward, and, certainly, he is not the face of Malaysia’s future.”

The crowd cheered Najib on throughout his 30-minute speech.

The prime minister also approved the construction of a Klinik Rakyat 1Malaysia and upgrading of a police bit base in Penaga.

Najib said he had told the people of Langkawi (during a visit yesterday) that they could no longer live in nostalgia.

“Our ultimate aim is to strive forward and spur greater success.”

Najib also drew comparisons between two former prime ministers.

He said he had the highest respect and regard for one of them.

“He is none other than Pak Lah, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, which is why I decided to come here today. He is a true gentleman,” he added.

“Come what may, his support for Barisan Nasional has never wavered. Pak Lah knows that as long as Barisan Nasional is in power, our fight continues.”

Najib said leaders could have differences of opinion, but should always return to the principle of musyawarah (discussion).

Najib said this was unlike the other prime minister who wanted to burn down the house, which was built in a collective effort to protect the people.

“As long as I am here, I will never allow anyone to destroy this BN, Umno house which we built.”

Najib also lashed out at Dr Mahathir and his son, Tan Sri Mokhzani Mahathir, over their remarks on 1Malaysia People’s Aid (BR1M) recipients.

He said Mokhzani, in particular, should not have insulted BR1M recipients as he was a successful and rich entrepreneur.

He pointed out that Mokhzani owned 23 luxury cars, including a Bugatti, the world’s most expensive sports car.

“Anyway, who is Mokhzani’s father? His father is a former prime minister who gave him billions of ringgit worth of Petronas contracts.

“I am also the prime minister and I know how the chairman and board of directors of companies were appointed.

“In fact, I told my children not to ask for government contracts, and none of them got any,” he added to cheers from the floor.

Najb said it had always been the BN government’s policy to help people who needed assistance.

“All this can be done because we managed our economy well and the country is not bankrupt,” he said.

“And, since we have money, we cannot be pumping everything into Kuala Lumpur alone to build more skyscrapers and highways. So, we are distributing and sharing the nation’s wealth with the people.

“Ultimately, it is not the rich people, who insult others, who determine the future of the country. It is the rakyat who decide who they want to lead the country,” he added.

Present were Penang Federal Action Council chairman Datuk Seri Zainal Abidin Osman, state Barisan Nasional chief Teng Chang Yeow and incumbent Kepala Batas member of parliament Datuk Seri Reezal Merican Naina Merican.

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