
One in a million at 94

KUALA LUMPUR: "I love his sheepish smile and approachable nature. He is one of a kind and we will not have another like him. It’s Allah’s blessings that we have a dedicated leader like him," said Norzaini Zain, 57.

“Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is one in a million and I’m proud to be able to share the same birthday as him. We are nationalists at heart, and I truly believe that his goal of bringing harmony to the nation is something we should all be proud of.”

"Having met him four years ago with the late academician, Prof Emeritus Tan Sri Dr Khoo Kay Kim to share a research I did on a Melaka/Malay hero right after the Melaka Sultanate era ended, I knew immediately that he is a genuine man with good ideals.

“Tun, I wish you and your family good health and best wishes. May God’s blessings be upon you.”

Norzaini’s birthday greetings were one of the thousands of well wishes for the prime minister that have been pouring in since yesterday.

Malaysian actor and comedian Harith Iskander conveyed his greetings through the New Straits Times:

“Crafting a long and drawn out wish for you Tun Mahathir on your 94th birthday would almost be pointless. Because, being the person you are, you would probably say: ‘Ok, cukup lah tu (okay, enough of that) ... it's time to get back to work, there’s so much to do!’

“Upon saying that, I do wish you all the best and may Allah bestow even more blessings upon you and your family on this momentous day.”

Dr Timothy William, the youngest recipient of the country’s Merdeka Award, said Dr Mahathir is an inspiration to Malaysians from all walks of life.

“He is a leader who has earned the highest respect among Malaysians and the rest of the world. His love for our country is shown by all the sacrifices he has made.

“May God bless him on his birthday as much as he has been a blessing to all of us.”

From across the causeway, Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong wished Dr Mahathir “a very happy 94th birthday”.

“My best wishes to him on his birthday,” Lee wrote on his Facebook posting.

The posting was accompanied with a photo of him and his wife Ho Ching together with Dr Mahathir and Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali when the couple visited Singapore during last year’s ASEAN Summit.

“We named an orchid, the Dendrobium Mahathir Siti Hasmah, in their honour,” Lee captioned the photo.

Lee also wrote that he looked forward to welcoming Dr Mahathir and Dr Siti Hasmah at the republic’s National Day Parade next month.

Dr Mahathir, who is married to Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali, first became Prime Minister in 1981 at the age of 56.

He was the country’s fourth Prime Minister then.

Fifteen years later, after the 14th General Election, he became the oldest elected Prime Minister in the world.

Social activist Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye also conveyed his birthday wishes.

“I wish you good health and happiness, your leadership has been amazing and you are an icon to many Malaysians.

“We can only wish to accomplish what you have at your age; you have been serving the country for decades and are acclaimed locally and abroad.

“We can only strive to do as much as you have,” he said.

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