
Fuel prices cheaper across the board

KUALA LUMPUR: Motorists who prefer to fill up their tank with RON97 petrol will be paying six sen less per litre for it, starting tomorrow (March 28).

The Finance Ministry said the new pump price for RON97 will lower from RM1.74 per litre to RM1.68 per litre for the period of March 28 to April 3.

The retail price for RON95 petrol would also be cheaper by six sen from RM1.44 per litre to RM1.38 and for diesel will be cheaper by seven sen from RM1.75 per litre to 1.68 per liter.

The ministry, in a statement, said, the decline in the retail price of petroleum products was due to the continued decline in global crude oil prices following the global economic uncertainty caused by the Covid-19 outbreak.

"In addition, the Government will continue to monitor the impact of global crude oil price changes and take appropriate measures to ensure the welfare and well-being of the people," it added.

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