
#JOM! EAT: A birthday treat like no other

IT'S my brother Hasnul's birthday and I intend to give him a nice lunch-and-tea treat at Ye Olde Smokehouse in Fraser's Hill. He's elated with the idea of making a day trip to the Pahang's hill resort, some 100km from Kuala Lumpur.

The pleasant, weekday drive from Kuala Lumpur is enough to work up an appetite for us. It's already midday when we arrive at the restaurant, but the temperature is pleasant at 25C.


The first thing I do when we step into the restaurant is to ask the attending staff if the restaurant serves scones. The birthday boy told me his wish to have scones when I told him the birthday treat I'm giving him.

"Scones are available from 3pm-6pm," the staff says. Doing some mental calculation, we decide to linger over lunch and have scones and tea for desserts afterwards.

My brother chooses a table by a window at the furthest left end of the cottage. It overlooks a nice lawn with a swing set on it. The whole restaurant - indoor and outdoor - has got an old world charm that cosy homely feeling.

The staff hands us the menus. Since we're going to spend quite sometime there, we opt for a three-course meal. The first two are French onion soup to go with my lunch order of fish and chips while the birthday boy chooses pumpkin soup and roast lamb racks.

While waiting for the our orders to come, we step out to the garden to feast our eyes at the surroundings while taking in the fragrance of flowers and greenery.

We imagine that we are in an English countryside cottage in springtime. There are birds chirping from branch to branch and I tell Hasnul that they're singing 'Happy Birthday' to him.


My brewed coffee is good and at the right temperature too. But I think the cappuccino lacks espresso as it looks too milky.

We are quite happy with our soups. The French onion soup is flavourful and delicious but I wish the crouton-covered-cheese floating in the bowl a bit bigger. The pumpkin soup is just okay, while the accompanying freshly-baked buns are soft and warm.

The lamb rack looks marvelous and they come with ample amount of gravy in a stainless steel sauce boat. The gravy is well season with spices and tasty too.

My brother pours the gravy liberally on the lamb racks and yet there are still some left. Not wanting to waste anything, we order extra buns and polish the gravy boat clean.

However, my fish and chips pales in comparison with the roast lamb racks. The batter is too thick. It's crispy on the outside but chewy when I bite into it. The fish is well cooked though as it is piping hot when I cut into its flesh.

However, the fish lacks seasoning. Thankfully, there are vinegar and tartare sauce for the fish.

Another letdown is the peas. I was expecting mushy peas as an accompaniment to my fish and chips, just like how the English would have them. Well, after all it is an English-themed restaurant.

But instead, in my plate is a bunch of 'no effort' boiled peas next to the chips. Apparently, the restaurant used to serve mushy peas but was discontinued because some patrons didn't like them. I think patrons should be given the options.


By the time we finish lunch, it is almost 3pm and it's scones time! We order one cream tea set which consists of a pot of local tea and two scones with strawberry jam. A pot Earl Grey tea and a piece of Earl Grey cake for the gentleman.

The scones are scrumptious and hot from the oven. The restaurant is a bit stingy with the jam and cream though. But we make do with what's provided and spread them equally between the two scones.

The Earl Grey cake is not satisfactory at all, the Earl Grey flavour doesn't come through plus its utterly sweet and dry, maybe it was a few days old.

Luckily the tea comes in a pot, my brother have at least two cups to wash the cake down.

The only consolation is I can taste good quality butter. Might as well right, because the bill is a bit exorbitant to me. I guess it's a price one has to pay for the overall ambience.

What matters most is, my brother says he had a wonderful birthday.



Jalan Jeriau

49000 Bukit Fraser


TEL 09-362 2226


HOURS 8am-9.30pm daily

EAT English Fare


PAY From RM20

MOOD English old world charm and cosy


I SAY Quite pricey, but for special occasions why not.

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