
Catholics in Penang visit graves of loved ones on All Souls' Day

GEORGE TOWN: The easing of various Covid-19 pandemic restrictions recently saw more Catholics here gathering at the resting places of their loved ones today for All Souls' Day.

Mindful of the need to socially-distance and adhere to the guidelines set out by the health authorities, they came bearing flowers and candles to pray for the departed souls.

At the Kelawai Road Catholic Cemetery here in Pulau Tikus, graves and columbarium niches were blessed with holy water as brief prayers were recited.

As a symbolic act to remember all those who have died, and especially those with unmarked graves and no family to visit, candles will be lit at every grave and niche.

Church of the Immaculate Conception, Penang parish priests Reverend Father Jude Miranda and Reverend Father Simon Labrooy were joined by priests from the College General Seminary for the blessing.

"All Souls' Day," said Father Miranda," is a timely feast to thank God for the lives of our loved ones who have died and to remember all the kindness they had extended to us when they were alive.

"Many could not make it to pay their respects for the departed souls last year owing to Covid-19 and we are truly blessed this time for the opportunity to spend time at the cemetery while reflecting and praying for all the souls," he added.

All Souls' Day, also known as the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed and the Day of the Dead, is a day of prayer and remembrance for the souls of those who have died, and is observed by Christians globally on Nov 2.

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