
Senior citizens advised to cancel trips abroad

PUTRAJAYA: The Health Ministry encourages senior citizens and those with comorbidities to cancel their trips abroad following the spread of the Covid-19 Omicron variant.

Its minister Khairy Jamaluddin urged them to cancel their trips as they were most at-risk of the Omicron variant.

"Please avoid going to crowded public areas as well," he said in a press conference today.

Khairy also advised citizens who were planning to travel abroad to continue adhering to Malaysia's Covid-19 standard-operating procedures (SOP).

"Unlike in Malaysia, the SOP in Europe is quite relaxed. I advise Malaysians travelling abroad to always wear a mask and observe physical distancing.

"If you want to visit for instance Oxford Street or even Harrods just wear a mask," he said.

Khairy also said Malaysia was in the midst of reviewing the United Kingdom, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Australia which had reported suspected cases of the Omicron variant.

He said the review would determine if Malaysia would impose travel restrictions on these five countries.

"When we have more information on the status of the cases in the countries listed, risk assessments will be conducted and then a decision either to impose a travel ban or not will be made," he said.

Earlier, Khairy also announced the ministry would be updating its travel ban list daily involving countries that were at risk of the Omicron variant.

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