
GE15: 'Muhyiddin seeking vengeance against Umno'

JITRA: Perikatan Nasional chairman Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has been accused of seeking vengeance against Umno as he has asked Umno members not aligned with the top brass to vote for PN in the 15th General Election (GE15).

Kedah Umno liaison committee deputy chairman Senator Datuk Othman Aziz claimed certain quarters had tried to outlaw Umno and invited its members to join Bersatu.

Othman said Umno was not rattled by such a move as not even one party branch had closed down because its members joined another party.

"They (Bersatu members) were once from Umno. When they were part of the Umno leadership, they were supposed to guide and lead the party to the next level, but they did not carry out their duties. Now they are asking Umno members to vote for them instead?

"Umno members will not vote for PN because at one time, such leaders sought vengeance and were out to destroy and outlaw Umno, including through selective prosecution, as well as freezing Umno's assets and funds," Othman said while visiting residents of Kampung Padang Teluk in Pida 1 here today.

Yesterday, Muhyiddin spoke at a PN rally in Pendang and called on Umno members who did not like what the party's top leadership was doing to vote for PN candidates without having to leave the party to save the country.

Othman, who is BN's candidate for Jerlun, said Umno members will not do what Muhyiddin asked, and he called on Bersatu members and the people to vote for BN.

He said GE15 gave Umno members and supporters the chance to restore the respect people had for the party and ensure it formed the new government for the country's future and stability.

"They still harbour vengeance and hate. They want to bury Umno, as though it is that simple and easy to woo our members. But this will not happen.

"Instead, we will see many PN members and supporters voting for Umno because they understand what had happened to PN. The policies that they carried out caused the country to be bogged down with political instability and economic woes."

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