
Woman delivers baby in pickup truck

KUALA LUMPUR: It was a surreal experience for Mohd Safiq as he witnessed the birth of his fourth child in his vehicle while manoeuvring through bad traffic to get to the hospital.

In a recent Facebook post, he described the birth as a miracle on the third day of Hari Raya Aidilfitri (April 24).

He said the road to the hospital was packed with slow-moving vehicles, and he had no option but to drive his Mitsubishi Triton pickup truck through any available route with the hazard lights on while frantically waving his hand to road users.

Safiq said he had begged his wife to hold on for at least five minutes, but she started pushing the baby at 10.05pm.

She told him that the baby was out and began to panic when the baby did not cry.

Safiq said the baby let out a loud cry when his face was exposed to light.

"Ya Allah. My boy's head. My son is already on the seat," said the proud father.

Safiq praised the staff of Rembau Hospital as they had handled the situation well.

"They attended to our baby first, cutting off his umbilical cord and taking him inside the building. After that, they attended to my wife."

Safiq also expressed his gratitude that he could be present for the birth of his child as he missed the births of his three other children.

"I was outside the operating room when my first child, Nur Khalilah Arissa, was born as the doctors had to do a vacuum-assisted delivery.

"When my second child, Nur Khalilah Amani, was born, I was on a flight to the Philippines because of work.

"I could not be at my wife's side when she gave birth to our third child, Muhammad Khalis Shauqi, who was born in Kuching, as I was in Sri Aman then," he said.

Safiq also shared his amusement about the possible name for his fourth child.

"Many people call my son 'Mat Triton' now. Perhaps he will be known as Muhammad Triton Syawal? Any idea what name should I give to my son?"

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