
Man mimics Anwar Ibrahim's voice effortlessly

KUALA LUMPUR: It sounds like him, but it is not him.

A young man's talent mimicking the voice of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has gone viral on social media recently.

TikTok user Azman Azeez's knack for imitating Anwar while giving his take on the movie `Anwar, The Untold Story' caught the netizens' attention.

His Anwar sound-alike wowed netizens, with the video clip garnering more than half a million views and counting.

"It sounds the same," said TikTok user Izzaiman Nabihan.

Another TikTok user BangBu suggested that Azman must have watched many of Anwar's speeches to flawlessly imitate the 10th prime minister.

"(It) goes to show he watches PMX's speech daily," he said.

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