
DAP respects MCA and MIC's decisions to skip state polls

KUALA LUMPUR: DAP and the Pakatan Harapan (PH) coalition are committed to ensuring candidates from the unity government win and form government in the six states facing state elections on August 12.

DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke stated that they will provide full support to all candidates from the unity government, regardless of whether they are from PH or Umno (Barisan Nasional).

"We respect the decision of MCA and MIC leadership in announcing that they will not contest in the state elections on Aug 12. It is the right of party leadership to decide whether they want to contest or not. I am sure they have discussed it in detail before making the decision.

"Our focus is to continue campaigning and forming the government," he said, declining to further comment on the decision of MCA and MIC leadership as it is unrelated to DAP.

He made these remarks to the media after attending a press conference following his speech at the Aurecon Nature Positive Infrastructure Forum program at a hotel here today.

Yesterday, the Election Commission (EC) announced that the State Elections in six states will be held simultaneously on August 12, with July 29 as the candidate nomination day. Early voting will take place on August 8.

Yesterday, MCA secretary-general Datuk Chong Sin Woon, stated that the party will focus on preparations for the upcoming 16th General Elections (PRU16), as well as carrying out reforms and revitalising the party.

MIC secretary-general RT Rajasekaran announced that the party will also not contest in the elections, with the decision made during the Central Working Committee (CWC) meeting held on June 30, after considering the current political situation and hearing the views of each CWC member.

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