
Johor Baru City Council receiving applications for 2024 Ramadan bazaars

JOHOR BARU: Johor Baru City Council (MBJB) has announced the opening of applications for slots at the city's upcoming Ramadan and Hari Raya Aidilfitri bazaars for 2024. From January 1 to January 31, 2024, Malaysian citizens aged 18 and above residing within the MBJB administrative area are eligible to apply.

This initiative is part of MBJB's efforts to invigorate local commerce during the festive period. Applicants are required to download the application form, which includes terms and conditions, from the council's website. The completed forms must be submitted at the Licensing Department Counter, Level 5, MBJB Tower, No.1 Jalan Lingkaran Dalam, Bukit Senyum, Johor Baru, by January 31, 2024.

For further inquiries regarding the application process, interested parties can contact the Licensing Department (Hawkers/Administration) via the phone numbers provided on the website. The bazaars, an integral part of the Ramadan celebrations, offer a vibrant space for businesses and cultural exhibitions, contributing to the festive atmosphere in the region.

For more detailed information and application forms, please visit the Johor Baru City Council's official website at

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