
Nova MSC's AI tool selected for Oman's national diabetic screening program

KUALA LUMPUR: Nova MSC Bhd (NMB), the parent company of EyRIS Pte Ltd (EyRIS), has announced that the company's artificial intelligence (AI) tool, SELENA+, has been selected for the Sultanate of Oman's National Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) screening program.

This significant step underscores the global recognition and trust in EyRIS's AI-driven solutions for enhancing healthcare outcomes.

NMB executive director Nazeroll Kasim said

this collaboration marks a significant milestone in the company's journey towards revolutionising healthcare with AI technology.

"SELENA+'s selection is a testament to its technological prowess and our team's dedication to creating solutions that make a real difference in people's lives.

"We are eager to see how our technology will help in the early detection and management of diabetic retinopathy, contributing to better health outcomes in Oman," he said in a statement.

SELENA+ has shown remarkable efficiency and accuracy in automated retinal image analysis.

Its integration into Oman's healthcare framework marks a significant leap forward in managing and preventing diabetes-related complications, particularly diabetic retinopathy.

This initiative signifies NMB's first venture into Oman and aligns with the nation's commitment to adopting advanced healthcare solutions.

SELENA+'s success in Oman follows Singapore's National DR Screening Program (SiDRP) achievements.

In September 2020, EyRIS was awarded a 5-year contract for SELENA+ deployment, making it the world's first real-world AI medical device adoption in a national screening program.

Since July 2021, SELENA+ has been integrated into Singapore's public sector, specifically focusing on screening all participants enrolled in the SiDRP.

As an advanced artificial intelligence tool, SELENA+ can identify vision-threatening diabetic retinopathy, potential glaucoma cases, and age-related macular degeneration.

Notably, the accuracy of SELENA+ aligns closely with the established standard of care.

Nazeroll said on the global impact, SELENA+'s nationwide deployment in Singapore and now in Oman is a proud testimony to the roll-out viability of the company's AI innovations in medical diagnostics.

"By taking the lead in the respective ASEAN and Middle East regions, these successes demonstrate our ability to harness advanced technology in tackling global healthcare challenges and serve as a springboard to other aspiring countries," he said.

He said the Oman project exemplifies NMB's business-to-government engagement and positions the company as a leader in AI healthcare innovation.

"This initiative serves as a model for future collaborations where our technologies can integrate into national healthcare strategies, showcasing our dedication to advancing global healthcare technology," he said.

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