
#Showbiz: Mizz Nina announces marriage to US-based rapper

KUALA LUMPUR: Former singer/songwriter Mizz Nina has found love again, recently marrying South Seattle-based hip hop artiste, songwriter and actor Essam Muhammad.

Announcing this on her official Instagram page today, Mizz Nina said the couple were married in a private setting surrounded by family and close friends.

"Allah is the best of planners, and has written this chapter of our lives so beautifully. Alhamdulilah, with the blessings of our parents, we have both been able to complete the other half of each others' Deen.

"We understand that marriage is about growing love, finding tranquility and having mercy and that the ultimate intention should always be for seeking the pleasure of Allah so that we can walk through the doors of Jannah together," said the singer whose real name is Shazrina Azman.

Mizz Nina, who turns 43 on July 1, said the couple would hold a private wedding reception in Kuala Lumpur soon.

This is her second marriage, having divorced first husband Noh Salleh of Malaysian indie rock band Hujan in August last year.

They had been married in 2011 and had adopted a baby boy named Musa.

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