
Tony Pua slams corrupt allies - BN, Umno

KUALA LUMPUR: A senior DAP leader has described the multi-coalition unity government as "fragile", saying that it could collapse at any time.

Speaking at the DAP Petaling Jaya fundraising dinner, former Damansara member of Parliament Tony Pua said it was vital for Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to hold the government together.

"This is a fragile unity government. It could fracture should any party decide to leave, and it can fall apart anytime.

"It is crucial for the Prime Minister to continue serving as a popular prime minister not only to the people in Petaling Jaya but also in Terengganu, Kelantan, Kedah, Pahang, Sabah and Johor.

"He can take the opportunity while he is the prime minister to showcase to the people of Malaysia, to the doubters, the people who don't believe in Pakatan Harapan (PH) or multiracial coalition politics."

He, however, also took a swipe at PH's allies within the unity government, Umno and Barisan Nasional (BN), calling them "corrupt".

Pua said PH needed to prove to voters that it could do better than other parties and could form the government on its own.

This, he said, was so PH would be able to implement reform and changes that would benefit the people of Malaysia.

"We need to prove to them that PH is multiracial, a party that is clean and not corrupt compared to Malay-based nationalist parties like Umno and Parti Pribumi Bersatu National (Bersatu), that we can do better than corrupt people like BN, Umno and Bersatu.

"If we are successful, I am certain that in four years, during the next general elections, PH will receive even greater support, and we will be able to form a government on our own," he added.

He also warned people of the "green wave" and reminded them to remain vigilant.

Pua said it was a fear Malaysians had, claiming that Pas dominated the Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin administration by filling three-quarters of the cabinet.

"We have nothing wrong with religiously pious politicians. There is nothing wrong with that. But we fear that they abuse religion for political and personal gains.

"We want to prevent this and don't want it to happen in Selangor.

"We must remain vigilant, don't be complacent, come out and vote for PH to ensure five more years of dominant government, kill off any hope of a green wave in Selangor, and prove that Malaysia is not an extremist country.

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