
Former teacher's final contribution: The gift of sight

KOTA KINABALU: A former journalist and English teacher became the first organ donor in the state for this year.

Kriscy Limjoon, 43, from Kampung Domis Hungab in Penampang was a mother of two.

She had died due to medical issues.

Despite not registering as an organ donor, she had discussed her intention to donate her organs with her family.

"Only her corneas were suitable for donation, and her family agreed to proceed with this noble intention.

"The donated corneas have successfully been transplanted, restoring vision for two other patients," said Sabah Health director Datuk Dr Asits Sanna in a statement.

The Sabah State Health Department extended their condolences and highest appreciation to the family for this donation.

Dr Asits said they also would like to encourage the public to discuss organ donation with their loved ones.

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