
Life is like a fleeting butterfly

LETTERS: Have you heard of the 'butterfly effect'? It says that the flapping of a butterfly's wings in one location could potentially affect the weather patterns in other locations.

Chaos Theory, a branch of mathematics, peculiarly concludes that despite the behaviour of a complicated system that can follow or be governed by certain deterministic laws, its future remains in principle unpredictable.

This applies to complex dynamical systems such as the weather, stock market and human neural system. Because of the sensitivity, any small changes at the start can result in ever larger changes over time, hence the 'butterfly effect'.

Further complicating the situation are interactions between parts within the changing system. These causes new conditions that feed back into and may set the stage for new phenomena.

Many natural processes, like climate change, behave this way. They do not proceed in a straight linear fashion. The permutations are limitless and the outcome uncertain.

This may seem strange. Isn't science supposed to ground us in certainty? That the more knowledge we have the better we are. But, as it turns out of gathering of observed data, the very core of scientific activity is an inductive process.

Induction belief hinges on the future being like the past, just like the sun has risen every day so it will rise again tomorrow. Human functioning relies on trust in a good degree of regularity, predictability and stability. From these premises we look forward to progress. It is a one-way street that moves faster than before.

Unfortunately, this has become debased and unequal. Now with two worlds colliding, one with a new natural evolutionary force whilst the other trying to emerge out of its grip, we are in uncharted territory.

Have we learned anything? Chances are this will not end serendipitously. But, till that day comes, if we contribute much positivity to the system, hopefully that will push towards better equilibrium.

We must begin to realize however small our action or inaction the effect affects one another in far-reaching ramifications. That all are interconnected in the webs of the world. We have to learn to appreciate each other and our surroundings.

And in the face of precariousness it makes us realize that our presence is impermanent. Life is like a fleeting butterfly. One thing is certain, as sure as the sun rises, and that is our own mortality. Despite so, this brief life, now more than ever is still beautiful.

Cheah C.F

Johor Bahru, Johor

The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect those of the New Straits Times

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