
Gamuda's Japanese-inspired Enso Woods selling like hotcakes

Enso Woods, the latest residential project in Gamuda Cove located in Southern Klang Valley saw an overwhelming response from the public during its recent preview.

The first phase of the 15.2-hectare Enso Woods comprises 203 units of double and triple-storey garden terrace homes.

The opening weekend saw the first batch of 100 homes selling like hotcakes and recording full uptake.

The strong market response highlights continuing demand for residential property in strategic hotspots, says Gamuda Cove general manager Wong Yik Fong.

Enso Woods features built-ups from 1,713 sq ft to 2,956 sq ft, with three-bedroom to five-bedroom layouts and lot sizes ranging from 20' x 65' to 34' x 60'.

The homes are selling from RM580,000.

"Home seekers have new priorities in the new norm. Enso Woods addresses these at every turn, and our strong weekend uptake, despite a cautious market and economic uncertainty, is a testament to this. Our timely delivery of these post-pandemic features, even with the challenges posed by recurring lockdowns, can be attributed to our core town-making principles," Wong said.

Inspired by the Japanese decluttering concept of danshari and featuring modern, minimalist aesthetics, Enso Woods spearheads Gamuda Land's post-pandemic design initiative with flexible, open layouts giving residents the versatility to live, work and play at home with ease.

Its community pavilion leverages on the emerging work-near-home (WNH) paradigm – the next normal balancing conventional office and work-from-home (WFH) routines. It has a range of facilities built around a central urban farming zone, including individual working pods, a plug-and-play zone, cascade seating, and a meeting/dining room.

Adding to their value proposition, Enso Woods homes cater to rising consumer demand for connections to nature, open spaces, multifunctional rooms, natural lighting and ventilation, and high-speed connectivity.

Wong said home seekers are prioritising open, versatile spaces as recurring Movement Control Order underscore the shortcomings of conventional, cramped residential designs.

"With this in mind, Enso Woods' design boosts visual expansion of space within unit interiors, creating clear, unrestricted sightlines between spaces to promote feelings of freedom even under lockdown," Wong said.

Enso Woods and the community pavilion are slated for completion by 2024.

Wong said the remaining 103 units in Phase 1 of Enso Woods will be opened for booking this weekend at Gamuda Cove Experience Gallery.

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