
India ready for stormy time

JOHOR BARU: India came prepared to upgrade their Sultan of Johor Cup silver to gold, and left nothing to chance, even the monsoon rains at the Taman Daya Stadium.

Coach C.R. Kumar, knowing well it will be a wet tournament, arranged for a full match for his charges in pouring rain in India to "acclimatise" to any eventuality.

And they did get two matches under the rain, and came out singing to bhangra tunes.

Their only hiccup so far was a 5-4 defeat to South Africa, but that is to be expected in any tournament.

"We came to Malaysia with an aim to win the title, and knowing well that it's monsoon season, I was fortunate to have a full match under pouring rain in India to prepare my players.

"So far, the tournament has been good for us and it's better we have had a 'bad' match against South Africa in the group stage instead of the medal round," said Kumar.

India have seven players who were part of the 2021 Junior World Cup team, and some of them have also had a stint with the seniors.

"But for many others, SoJC is their first international assignment and they were taken aback by the intensity displayed by Malaysia, Japan and South Africa.

"They told me that the opponents were practically breathing down their necks, and it was a new experience unlike the domestic matches they have been used to in India," said Kumar

And the good news for Kumar is that all 18 players are eligible to represent India in the 2023 Junior World Cup in December in Malaysia.

Tournament favourites Australia and Britain stand in the way of India's golden ambition next.

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