
Sri Aman holds community learning session to increase cybercrime awareness

SRI AMAN: On Jan 10, Sri Aman district council organised a Community Cleanliness Awareness Programme to raise awareness about cybercrime.

Commercial Crime Investigation Department (CCID) Sri Aman Investigating Officer, Muhamad Amirul Shuhaimi, delivered a lecture on cybercrime and online fraud, which is becoming increasingly prevalent.

During the session, he explained the functions of the National Scam Response Center (NSRC) (Line 997), the Whoscall application, and the e-book on Commercial Crime.

To instil trust in the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM), he also elaborated on the services provided by PDRM related to cybercrime, such as the Commercial Crime Investigation Department (CCID) Response Center, CCID Infoline, the Mule Check Portal / CCID Check, Scammers, and the Facebook profiles @CyberAlertRMP and @JSJKPDRM.

Sarawak Deputy Minister of Education, Innovation, and Talent Development, and Simanggang State Assemblyman Datuk Francis Harden Hollis officiated the event.

He emphasised that such lectures can enhance awareness and educate the community about the latest trends in commercial crime, as well as serve as a shared responsibility in preventing individuals from becoming victims of online scams.

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