
Linear Garden at the Esplanade opens as new green space in Penang

PENANG: George Town's landscape is now richer with the opening of the Linear Garden at the Esplanade, which marks another milestone in Penang's drive towards creating sustainable urban environments.

Buletin Mutiara reported that upgrading works for the project, which began in May 2023, culminated in December of the same year.

During the opening, Penang Island City Council Mayor Datuk A. Rajendran highlighted several key infrastructural facilities and park accessibility features at the site.

"They include the planting of 60 new local trees, guided by the ACRest (Atlas of Climate Resilient Tree Species) list developed by the city council in collaboration with Think City.

"These new trees provide ample shade, creating a substantial green lung in the area," he was quoted as saying.

He also said the new Linear Garden proudly hosts a Unesco World Heritage Site emblem at its heart, crafted by local George Town blacksmiths.

This emblem joins a network of similar markers globally, signifying the city's heritage status. Local artisans have contributed to the garden's beauty, from terrazzo flooring surrounding the emblem to classic park benches and pedestrian walkways finished in Shanghai plaster.

The garden is part of the larger North Seafront Masterplan, an RM140 million project developed by the George Town Conservation and Development Corporation (GTCDC).

This initiative aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, promoting health, sustainable economic growth, and resilient urban communities.

One of the garden's key features is the updated Cenotaph area. The removal of iron fences allows closer public interaction with the monument, honouring the memory of those who served. This upgrade was inaugurated with a Remembrance Day ceremony, reflecting the community's respect for the site's historical significance.

Penang Local Government chairman Jason H'ng Mooi Lye expressed the state's ongoing dedication to green initiatives, including the enhancement of neighbourhood parks.

Over 23.62 hectares of public space have been upgraded since 2010, with a further RM6.5 million allocated for 2024 to develop 10 more neighbourhood parks.

Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow confirmed that the Linear Garden is among the 14 projects under the North Seafront Masterplan, funded by an RM1.5 million allocation from the State Development Budget.

This project, along with future green developments, underpins the vision of Penang2030 to establish a family-focused, green, and smart state.

Residents and visitors alike can now enjoy the Linear Garden's tranquil setting, which promises to be a space for leisure, recreation, and appreciation of Penang's culture.

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