
More police reports made against Bozz Jebat for insulting Sarawak Premier

KUCHING: Eleven political secretaries to the Premier of Sarawak are the latest group of people to lodge a police report against former Umno man Zool Amali Hussin, popularly known by his online pen name Bozz Jebat, for allegedly insulting Tan Sri Abang Johari Abang Openg, the Premier, in his latest vlog.

The political secretaries lodged their reports at the Satok police station at noon today.

The group spokesperson, John Nyigor, told reporters that that Bozz's vlog not only hinted at being racist, but also seemed to be inciting the people of Sarawak to go against the peninsular.

"We lodged the report because we want the police to take action against him.

"We want racial and religious harmony to continue in this country. A person like this has to be taught a lesson," added Nyigor.

In the expletive filled blog, Bozz ridiculed and insulted Abang Johari for appointing Datuk Sri Tiong King Sing as the Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister.

Tiong was in the centre of a row over the demotion of Malaysian Tourism Promotion Board (Tourism Malaysia) director-general Datuk Ammar Abd Ghapar.

Late last night, the Persatuan Kebajikan Sahabat Pembina Insan Sarawak (Sahabat) Kuching District and Persatuan Warisan Anak Sarawak (Waris) lodged a similar report against Bozz.

Kuching district police chief, ACP Ahsmon Bajah, had said police will investigate Bozz.

Local English daily, the Borneo Post reported that as of 2pm, six reports had been lodged against Bozz.

Four of the reports were made in Kuching, one each in Simunjan and Serian.

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