
Labuan to light up with Hot Air Balloon Fiesta in May

LABUAN: The skies of Dataran Labuan are set to sparkle at the Labuan Big Show 2.0 event, which will play host to the Hot Air Balloon Fiesta from May 3 to 5, Sabah First Info reported.

Labuan Big Show 2.0 director Arman Annuar Tan announced the event in collaboration with AKA Balloon Sdn Bhd and the Labuan Corporation.

AKA Balloon Sdn Bhd, known for successfully organising hot air balloon festivals in Putrajaya and Penang, will bring its expertise and innovation to Labuan Big Show 2.0.

The event is expected to attract over 50,000 visitors from Borneo, Peninsular Malaysia, and the East Asean Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA), promoting Labuan as a vibrant tourist destination.

Arman thanked Labuan Corporation for including the event in this year's event calendar, promising a thrilling experience for the residents and visitors.

The fiesta will feature various exciting activities like tethered hot air balloon rides, cold inflation balloons, a glowing night balloon show, a family theme park, fun sports events, a day and night market, and pocket shows.

Additionally, a food festival, cultural art performances, and music concerts will enhance the festive atmosphere throughout the event.

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