
PM urges Muslims to uphold noble traits of Islam

PETALING JAYA: Muslims must show good manners and noble traits for them to be a good example to all, especially to attract non-Muslims towards Islamic teachings, said Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

He urged that negative practices such as being inconsiderate, insulting other races and religions, and squabbling over differences in opinion be cast aside in order to achieve the objectives of Muslims as propagators.

“The acceptance from non-Muslims would diminish if we display negative characteristics and fail in life.

“We have to show good characteristics, Insya Allah, they will be drawn to our deeds and believe in Islamic teachings,” he said.

He said the nature of Muslims to promote enmity and disunity, not only undermines the community itself but would go towards destruction of the nation.

Dr Mahathir said in such a situation it also gives arise to the perception that Islam is a failed religion.

“If we are too influenced with our emotional feelings, then it would lead to chaos, which in turn would only see Muslims to lose out. This is how the Middle-East nations is looked at.

“The people there are not safe. They are often at war because they are always at odds with each other or differ in their understanding despite being of the same religion.

“They are hostile with each other, and when they are hostile with each other, other quarters take advantage of the situation. The other quarter supplies the hostile parties with weapons and money, which in turn triggers war, leading to the nation losing its peace,” he said.

Dr Mahathir who is also the President of the Muslim Welfare Organisation of Malaysia (Perkim) said this in a speech last night during a dinner event held in conjunction with Perkim’s 58th Annual General Meeting.

Also present were Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali and honorary secretary-general of Perkim, Tan Sri Dr Mohd Yusof Noor.

On Perkim, Dr Mahathir wanted the organisation to move as a body that is actively carrying out its responsibilities in spreading the message of Islam to all communities.

“Perkim is already 58 years old. Perkim’s role is to carry out ‘dakwah’ (propagation) and uplift the image of Islam.

“I feel Perkim can carry out the responsibility of this mission by focusing on its original objectives,” Dr Mahathir said.

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