
Melaka octogenarian loses three children, grandson to Covid-19

MELAKA: A single mother lost three of her children due to Covid-19 infection, with all fatalities taking place within two days.

Puteh Endot, 87, who has accepted the loss of her three children, said only a mother's prayer could accompany Piah Dollah, 66; Mazlah Dollah, 52 and Zainiah Dollah, 48.

What was more heartbreaking for the octogenarian from Kampung Batu Berendam here, is she also lost her grandson Mohd Nazrin Asim, 28, from the coronavirus a few weeks before the three siblings passed away on Aug 16 and 17.

"It was very shocking because they were all in good health, but Allah loves them more. I have accepted what happened as there is blessing that we don't know of from the Creator.

"I am also thankful that their burial arrangements at different locations were safely completed even though the burial cannot be managed like normal.

"My other children, daughters-in-law and grandchildren who were also Covid-19 positive before this have recovered and completed their quarantine," she said.

Puteh, who has 13 children, said she took turns staying at each of her children's home after her husband passed away.

Her third child, Norida Dollah, 64, said the loss of her sister, two younger brothers and nephew was heartbreaking because they were very close and had always visited them.

However, she was relieved because her mother, who was very sad and depressed after their deaths, had returned to her normal self after being comforted with the support of her other children and her 60 grandchildren.

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