
PM: Enforcement agencies have the right to investigate anyone

BERA: The rule of law applies to everyone irrespective of their standing, and enforcement agencies have the right to carry out investigations within their jurisdictions.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said if there were criminal allegations against an individual, they can be investigated by the relevant agencies, such as the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), police, Customs and Immigration Departments.

"No one is above the law and anyone can be investigated. The enforcement agencies are responsible for conducting investigations," he said.

For example, he said, the MACC will investigate bribery cases, and all other agencies have their own scope. They have the freedom to investigate anyone within their jurisdictions, which is stipulated by the law, he added.

"However, from what I have heard, (the grouse) is on the method of the investigation. Maybe the agencies will not need to reveal or publish in the media the names of those involved in their investigations. Maybe there is no need for them to reveal any name to safeguard the judicial institution."

Ismail Sabri said this after attending a closed-door gathering with Bera Jalinan Rakyat personnel at the Bera Rakan Muda complex here today.

He was responding to questions on a memorandum comprising four demands submitted by the Malaysian Bar to Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Parliament and Law) Datuk Mas Ermieyatie Samsudin on Friday.

Ismail Sabri, who is also Bera member of parliament, said no one could question enforcement agencies for investigating anyone in the country.

"However, from what I understand, maybe (the protest by the Malaysian Bar) is about the method of the investigation. But no one can question the role that enforcement agencies play, which is to investigate anyone in the country, including judges."

On June 17, the Malaysian Bar organised "The Walk For Judicial Independence" in Padang Merbok in Kuala Lumpur to peacefully march to Parliament to hand over a memorandum to the government.

The walk, which was held to demand the government to uphold judicial independence and protest the MACC's probe into senior judge Datuk Mohd Nazlan Mohd Ghazali, saw the lawyers handing their memorandum to Mas Ermieyatie.

Meanwhile, speaking at the Bera Jalinan Rakyat gathering, Ismail Sabri, who is Umno vice-president, reminded the Barisan Nasional machinery to avoid last-minute preparations in facing the 15th General Election.

"The election will be held by July next year. It may be held much earlier before the term ends. I have instructed the BN and Umno machineries to always be prepared as election day will certainly arrive and we must be prepared."

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